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Delfin Group Argentina

Intermodal 2022: minister of infrastructure says Brazil will become a multimodal country

The establishment of Pro Trilhos to encourage the development of new railway lines, as well as the entry of more operators into the industry, early renewals, and concession programs, will transform Brazil into a multimodal nation with a more balanced, sustainable, and cost-effective transportation matrix. This is the assessment made by Tarcísio Gomes de Freitas, the Minister of Infrastructure, at the opening lecture of the Pro Trilhos Seminar held at Intermodal South America 2022, on Tuesday, March 15, in São Paulo.

The event brought together representatives of companies that have received federal approval to implement railway projects in the country, those in charge of railway concessions, and members of international entities invited to present their countries’ experiences in railway management. According to the minister, the system of railway authorizations provided for in the Legal Framework for Railways will raise the participation of the modal in the share of national transport logistics in a few years.

“Brazil is now going to be a railroad country, a multimodal country with a more balanced, sustainable, and cost-effective transportation matrix. Brazil will become more efficient from a logistical point of view, with lower freight rates and more competitive producers,” said the minister. Currently, railroads transport approximately 20% of Brazilian cargo. This percentage is expected to increase to 40% by 2035.

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